Wednesday, 23 May 2012

if you really need a reason.

This is me :) 
I'm Rachel, I'm 20 years old and I'm going to be a bone marrow donor. I thought I'd write this blog to give an honest account of what has happened - and more importantly what is going to happen - to me during my donation process. No frills, no sugar coating, just the truth, so that people who are going to go through this fulfilling process will have some idea of what will happen for them. 
So I guess I should give you my personal reasons for having become a donor in the first place, if you need a 'real' reason. The short and long of it is that I know someone who is sick. From that point onwards, I knew that I would eventually get onto some kind of donor register for bone marrow. It wasn't until later on that I learned more about Anthony Nolan, and to be honest it all happened quite by chance. During the summer between my first and second year of university, I desperately needed a job and more importantly, a job that I could stick at over the summer. I eventually got an interview for a company that manages charities, and, if you don't believe in fate then I don't know what to call this, I was 'assigned' to work for the Anthony Nolan trust. 
I learned a hell of a lot about the charity and went door to door trying to recruit financial donors for them, but from day one of finding out the work that these guys do I sent away for my saliva testing kit. True to form I did my delightful spitting straight away and sent the kit off, and that was that for the next 2 years.

R xo

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