Wednesday, 23 May 2012

'you have lovely veins'... brilliant 23/4/12

I was TERRIFIED for my blood test, I'm got going to lie. I've never had one before and I was definitely not looking forward to it. I was convinced it was going to be horrible and I got myself all wound up over it and in the end I had to just go in to the Walk-In centre first thing and basically say "just take it before I chicken out".

It wasn't so bad, to be honest it just feels like a little scratch. 

I'm so sorry I forgot to take a photo before my bloods!! so I know this is a little disgusting. But basically, this is what you get in your "pack". an information booklet, a new medical form so that they are aware of any changes to your health since you filled in the first one, and tubes. you also get a needle (because the sample bottles can be a different size to the ones in your GP and the vacuum may not work) and some instructions to the nurse/GP/whoever is taking your bloods.

to be honest it was very bizzare, taking my blood to the post office!!! but it's in a jiffy bag so no one knows what it is. I posted it off (the bag is pre-paid) and that was that for another day! 

My arm was a little sore the following day from the bloods but that was about it really. apparently I have "lovely veins" so that can only be a plus in case I'm doing PBSC.

I found out at this point that this was a pretty urgent case so it was very important for me to get my bloods off as soon as I possibly could, and obviously they had to be sent the same day anyway so they didn't clot or whatever else. It all seemed to be pretty urgent, so I'm now wondering about the patient. I wonder what they have, how long they've known, how old they are, where they're from. Maybe I'll find out some day :) or maybe they'll have no interest in finding out about me, who knows. I'm just praying that these bloods are a match.

R xo

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